The enneagram 8 has a commanding presence, is self confident, and assertive. Eights tend to be debaters and love a good challenge. Eights are good at making difficult decisions even under pressure.
A type eight hates to feel dependent on someone else, so from an early age they’ll show signs of independence.
When placed in a setting of various backgrounds- whether it be a diversity of beliefs or upbringings, a personality types’ weaknesses and strengths will be intensified.
Each enneagram will have different motivators, since they are all driven by different value systems. The enneagram 8 is driven by control and power.
Here Are Some Examples:
Every Enneagram responds to stress differently and will have different triggers.
Eights will do best in an environment that allows them to have full autonomy and encourages them to share their ideas. Eights find a thrill in a fast paced workplace and being in a leadership position.
Energizers For An Enneagram 8 In The Workplace:
Things That Drain An Enneagram 8 In The Workplace:
Eights are independent and bold, they’re good at making difficult decisions that are fair and rational. They do best when they can advocate for others or use their leadership skills.
Jobs That Best Suit An Enneagram 8
The eight personality works best with people who are calm and reserved. Eights like when their peers are capable of advocating for themselves and assisting in decision making.
If two eights work together, they’ll need to make and effort to respect each other and their ideas so that they do not clash. Two eights fighting for power can quickly turn aggressive.
An Enneagram 8 Will Work Best With People Who:
An Enneagram 8 Might Clash With Coworkers When They:
On average, eights build the best romantic relationships with partners who are quiet and calm in demeanor. In these types of relationships, the enneagram type 8 will be dedicated and protective.
If an enneagram type 8 dates another eight, they need to be cautious of their arguments. Two eights butting heads and fighting for control in a disagreement can quickly get out of hand. Eights need to be able to step back from disagreements so they can discuss with a calm and level head.
The enneagram type 8 personality is self confident, a natural leader, power driven, and is the most controlling of the personality types.
Type eights desire feeling like they’re in control at all times and also have a passion for advocating for those who can’t defend themselves. Because of this passion for power, these enneagram personality types will avoid situations that might highlight their vulnerabilities (which is an eight’s basic fear).
An 8 personality is motivated when they can use their natural leadership skills and assist in making touch decisions. 8 enneagram types are stressed when they feel like they have no control and have to follow someone else’s rules.
An enneagram 8 has a lot of self respect, but they do have room to grow. An 8 personality needs to make time for self discovery so they can understand why they avoid showing their weaknesses. Type eights should find a way to understand that vulnerabilities to not diminish their value.
If you’re working along side an 8, they’ll appreciate it if you listen to their thoughts and ideas. An 8 does not like being bossed around, so you’ll want to consider your wording when assigning tasks or giving feedback.
Common jobs for eights usually involve elements of independence, leadership, and decision making. Work environments that offer these things will find their type 8 employees thriving.
In relationships (both professional and romantic) 8s will do best with peers or partners that are calm and reserved. An 8 likes someone who will show them respect, not challenge and overpower them. A happy eight will do whatever it takes to protect those that they care about.
The biggest struggle eights will face in both the workplace and their relationships is learning to share the control. Sometimes an 8 needs to step back and let someone else be in control, this usually very hard for them to accept.
My Own Terms is a company founded by Joshua T. Osborne to help people take back control of their lives and live life on Their Own Terms.
Check out our Enneagram Test for an in-depth guide to get you started on your new life journey.