Be Your Best Self: Actionable Steps To Take Now

Steps To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

At some point in everyone’s lives, contemplation becomes a priority. When one engages in reflection, many pressing questions arise. First and probably the most important among these questions is – how can one improve oneself to the point that they are truly happy with who they are? This article will help everyone to determine their […]

5 Toxic Habits You Might Not Realize You Have

5 Toxic Habits You Might Not Realize You Have

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a rut, unable to break out of your bad habits? If so, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with toxic habits that hold them back from living their best lives. We all have our little quirks and habits. Some of them might be considered annoying by others, […]

3 Easy Ways To Avoid Fundamental Attribution Error

3 easy ways to avoid fundamental attribution error

As human beings, we are bound to make or form first impressions, but sometimes we forget that those are supposed to be temporary and just hunches of a person’s wholeness. We cannot let our prejudices interfere with getting to know a person. Simply because a person was late or clumsy the first time you met […]

The 2 Types Of Learned Helplessness And How To Overcome Them

Learned helplessness

When horrible things happen, we want to think that we will do whatever it takes to make things better. According to research on what is known as learned helplessness, when we believe we have no control over what occurs, we tend to give up and accept our destiny. What Is Learned Helplessness Behavior? Based on […]

7 Steps To Improve Decision Making

7 Steps To Improve Decision Making

Making choices is a constant in life. Every day, you must decide if moving straight ahead or to the right/left is the wisest course of action. There are specific methods for preparing for good decision-making in stressful and time-sensitive situations. One should be wary of forced priorities that are frequently thrown at us. Investing time […]

Challenge Yourself To Live Your Life, Your Way

Challenge Yourself To Live Your Life

Putting ourselves to a challenge may help us in changing our life. We may accomplish more of our goals, have better relationships, and be happier. As I’ve grown older, challenging myself has become more appealing as a way to spend my time. Maybe it comes with age and experience, but I’m less hesitant to take […]

How To Set Daily Goals & Smash Your Next Breakthrough

How To Set Daily Goals And Smash Your Next Breakthrough

Many folks feel as though they’re floating in a sea of uncertainty. Despite spending time and effort, they appear to be accomplishing nothing. As a result of their lack of self-reflection and goal-setting, individuals feel as if they have no direction in life. There is no way someone would embark on an amazing journey without […]

Stop Taking Things Personally: Why It Could Lead To A Happier Life

How To Not Take Things Personally

Humans are social beings that share connections, allowing us to instinctively and instantly match others’ opinions and emotions. However, not everyone has the same way of interpreting things. So it is normal that our feelings and thoughts overlap. You can feel emotionally unrest with a negative comment from someone you may be acutely aware of. […]

Self Love Exercises You Can Do To Increase Your Mood Now

How to practice self love

A self-love practice is an excellent option for anyone who wants to boost their attitude and self-esteem right now! What Are Some Self-love Activities? Listen To Your Inner Voice Feelings of inferiority or superiority are a common part of the human condition. Think about how you treat yourself in your mind. How you talk to […]

The Top 15 Self Improvement Books That You Should Be Reading In 2022

Do Self-Help Books Actually Help

Self-help books are centered around changing ourselves for the better. Self-development might be difficult at first, but if we persist with it, it will pay off. Self-improvement is a long and continuous process; this list can help you get started. Here are the best 15 books for living your best life and being your most […]