Logical Thinking: What Is It & How To Strengthen Your Ability To Use It

Logical thinking skills are essential for career development since they allow you to reason through important decisions, solve problems, generate innovative ideas, and establish goals.

Whether you want to advance your career or are a newcomer to the industry, you will face obstacles daily that need logical thinking skills.

The better your logical thinking skills are, the easier it will be to develop ideas and strategies that will benefit you and your workplace. Continue reading to learn how logical thinking can help you.

What Does Logical Thinking Mean?

Logical thinking may also be described as analyzing a problem and finding a reasonable solution. It is comparable to critical thinking.

Logical thinking uses reasoning skills to objectively evaluate any topic and find a rational conclusion on how to continue. For example, suppose you are confronted with a problem at work; to solve it, you use available facts and logical reasoning skills to find the best solution.

What Is An Example Of Logical Thinking?

Here are nine examples of logical thinking:

Inductive reasoning

This kind of reasoning makes broad conclusions from specific facts or observations.

Abductive Reasoning

Abductive reasoning is developing a hypothesis or theory based on known facts that may or may not be correct. This is a sort of reasoning that takes a bottom-up approach to logic.

Deductive Reasoning

Logical thinkers may reason deductively as well. They can recognize an acceptable premise and apply it to job situations they encounter. In a top-down strategy, it works from the general to the specific. This often involves using first principles with wide explanatory power.

Backward Induction

Backward Induction is the technique of starting with possible futures and working backward to discover how each may be achieved.

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Garbage in, garbage out is a logic feature in which incorrect premises lead to improper logic. All reasoning is built on assumptions known as premises, which are not necessarily indisputable facts.

Excluded Middle

Traditional logic systems handle true and false in such a way that they cannot handle gray areas. This is referred to as excluded middle. Humans are smart enough to deal with grey areas; therefore, thinking only in terms of true or false is a bias that may be described as black and white thinking.

Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy logic is a term for modern systems of logic that can handle grey areas with probabilities. This is more similar to how people think, whereby they commonly handle expectations, partial truths, and paradoxical truths.

Cold Logics

The exclusion of human factors from a human problem is called cold logic. Humans tend to make things more complex to the point that it is tempting to use logic that eliminates human reality. This is viewed as harsh and unrealistic.


A fallacy is a logical error. Any unknown errors can be very difficult to identify; thus, acquiring knowledge of any known types of fallacies help with logical thinking.

What Is The Importance Of Logical Thinking?

Logical thinking skills enable individuals to comprehend what they have read or seen and build on that knowledge without the need for incremental guidance. Logical thinking tells individuals that knowledge is fluid and can be built upon itself.

The ability to think rationally is vital since it helps you solve work problems. Professionals of all levels may profit from this skill, and the more they practice, the better their careers will be.

Additional reasons why logical thinking skills are important:

  • Allows you to correlate data, events, and information successfully.
  • It helps in decreasing the probability of making mistakes.
  • You can improve your workplace effectiveness and raise your performance and productivity by ensuring you’re using the right strategies.
  • Reduce wasted time by quickly determining which information is relevant to a problem and which information is not.
  • It can improve your ability to communicate effectively.
  • Support good decision-making abilities.

How To Improve Your Logical Thinking Skills

Here are some important logical thinking skills examples you need to know to improve your logical skills.

1. Spending Time On Creative Hobbies

Creative activities such as sketching, painting, writing, or playing music have been shown to stimulate the brain and help promote logical thinking. In certain ways, creative thinking naturally builds problem-solving abilities that may help you become a better performer at work.

Additionally, creative activities might help reduce stress. When your stress levels are under control, you will be able to concentrate better and make more logical decisions. There are several methods to deal with stress, but developing a creative mind is beneficial and may help you boost your personal and professional life.

2. Practice Questioning

Another great technique to develop your logical thinking skills is to question things you normally accept as normal. When you ask the question regularly, it allows you to see situations more completely and elaborately, helping you approach problems at work more rationally and creatively.

3. Learn A New Skill

Learning a new talent may also help you improve your logical skills. If you take the opportunity to learn as often as possible,  you may apply the same level of thinking to your profession and be successful.

For example, suppose you decide to start learning a new coding language. This process will require careful thinking and planning. Practicing every day will help put you in the mindset of thoughtfully approaching problems at work and help you develop a new skill that will help you advance your career and your logic skills.

Is Logical Thinking A Strength?

Each personality type has unique strengths and weaknesses. For the logical thinker, strength is their general ability to think before they act, to seek evidence before making a choice. Their problem is that they tend to lose touch with human emotions.

Final Thoughts

Having the ability to think logically is a valuable skill. You need to develop this skill to become an asset to any company or organization that chooses to hire you.

Logical reasoning experience is directly related to the desirability of a candidate; in other words, the more experience you have, the better.

My Own Terms

My Own Terms is a company founded by Joshua T. Osborne to help people take back control of their lives and live life on Their Own Terms.

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