Joy Triggers: What Influences Them & How You Can Define Yours

Happiness triggers all our other senses

On an emotional level, we can experience joy in various ways, including tears, euphoria, a deep sense of contentment, and more.

On a scientific level, our neurotransmitters, tiny chemical “messenger” cells that transmit signals between neurons (nerves) and other bodily cells, are responsible for our joy.

These neurotransmitters are in charge of almost every bodily process and feeling, from blood flow to digestion.

You can define your joy triggers in two ways: retroactively or in the present. The first involves sitting down and writing down the times you felt happy, comfortable, relaxed, joyful, or positively excited. It’s an intriguing exercise, but studies show that we don’t remember ordinary, mundane experiences very well—the “small things” we mentioned earlier can be forgotten.

When you’re feeling down, stressed, or anxious and need a pick-me-up, open the list and choose something you can do right now to turn your mood upside down. Stop doing everything else and focus solely on that one simple activity. Be mindful and present. Of course, this will not solve all your problems, but this brief moment of happiness may be just what you need to get through the day.

What Are Happy Triggers?

What Makes You Happy

Happy or joy triggers can be things like activities or products that bring you peace and joy. They can also be rituals and routines that we engage in regularly to foster positive experiences and promote positive memories. How you encounter each day’s beginning and end can exemplify joy triggers.

Anchors can be found in our daily lives as joy triggers. Despite the chaos and fullness of our lives, they enrich our lives and help us feel more connected to our feelings. Let us take advantage of our instinct by creating helpful triggers to help us feel happy.

It is a simple pleasure that we can control by engaging in a mindful activity or routine that allows us to connect with ourselves on a deeper level and appreciate the smaller things in life.

Use Motivational & Happiness Triggers

When you need to focus on getting things done, block out some time on your calendar. Before you begin, clear your mind off distractions by starting a motivation ritual, such as drinking coffee while listening to classic rock songs or an energizing smoothie. Another common motivator successful people use is waking up before sunrise to attack projects. Discover a ritual that inspires you. Following this, you will know what happiness smells and tastes like.

Recognize Progress 

We work harder when our efforts are recognized. Recognize a victory, no matter how small, at the end of a long day. Make a list of what you did well or learned that day. The road to greatness is walked one step at a time. Tracking your progress is an excellent way to keep a positive attitude.

Get Fresh Air

Don’t spend the entire day cooped up in a corner office. Get some fresh air by drinking something cool or taking your dog for a walk. A good walk can instill creative energy or provide mental rest and get a happiness boost. A brief change of environment can have a positive impact on our mental health. When we are not paying attention to a problem, the solution will often come to us while doing something else. What does happiness taste look like for you?

Find Value In Minor Tasks And Projects

We value small tasks differently when we recognize their importance to the big picture. Knowing how minor actions contribute to a larger goal makes little tasks pleasurable. There is a distinction between doing something because it must complete and doing something because you understand its significance.

Sleep On It

A good rest can improve our mental agility and clarity, enabling us to solve problems and pursue creative solutions. Once Thomas Edison encountered a problem, he was famous for rolling a few marbles in his hand while nodding off in a chair. When he began to sleep, the marbles would naturally fall out of his hands and onto a tin sheet, waking him up. He claims that this is how some of his most brilliant ideas came to him. Sleep is a very effective tool. People say “Sleep on it” for a reason.

Recite Affirmations 

Affirmations are statements of positivity used to reframe your thoughts about yourself and your day ahead. They are a method of visualizing and overcoming negative self-talk by imagining the good things that will happen to you that day and all the other blessings. Happiness sounds positive to me. What does happiness sound and look like for you? Is it a sweet soft chime that triggers your happy brain chemicals? Happiness tastes different for everyone. Make sure to find your trigger leads and other auditory triggers. Develop habits that will make you jump out of bed head mornings.

You could use the following simple affirmations:

  • I will accomplish great things today
  • I will earn a specific amount this year
  • I am well-known in my field of work
  • I have achieved my biggest goal
  • I am healthy

Your objective is to affirm and visualize the outcomes you desire. As you concentrate on these goals, you will begin to believe that you can and will achieve them, enabling you to take action.

Where Did The Term Trigger Happy Originate?

Trigger Happy

The colloquial adjective trigger-happy, which dates back to World War II (1939-45) and is of American-English origin, means “over-ready to shoot at anything at any time or on slight.”

This use of happy is analogous to crazy in compound adjectives like stir-crazy, which means “deranged by long imprisonment.”

During the first major US offensive against the Japanese, which took place on and around Guadalcanal, one of the southern Solomon Islands, a large archipelago in the south-western Pacific, from August 1942 until February 1943, the term “trigger-happy” was likely coined. This major offensive took place from August 1942 until February 1943.

The term “trigger-happy” first appears in a report by Richard Tregaskis of the International News Service (INS) published in the Morning World-Herald (Omaha, Nebraska) on Tuesday 13th October 1942:

Final Thoughts:

It’s up to us to think, to take a quiet moment to make these choices, and do what we can to be happier. Decide that we are worthy. We deserve it. We are far more than enough! Have fun with this, and let us know what happiness triggers you come up with.

My Own Terms

My Own Terms is a company founded by Joshua T. Osborne to help people take back control of their lives and live life on Their Own Terms.

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