On the Enneagram symbol, each number has two lines associated with it.
Under stress, you tend to move along one of those lines (the other represents growth).
The first direction is integration. If you move towards the direction of integration, that means your type is getting healthier. You will feel better in all nine personality types as you get healthier in your type.
If you gravitate towards the second direction– stress, your personality type will be affected, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Stress signs are a sign that you need to take action towards integration.
You can find balance within your Enneagram type by learning from your growth and stress patterns. It is important to examine both your healthy traits and average behaviors.
The more you become self-aware, the quicker you realize when you’re stuck within your personality type.
In times of stress, the type you go to is like an emergency valve to keep you from getting worse. It keeps you from drifting away from your true self.
Once you’ve discovered your Enneagram type, you can look at the following information to see how you are doing.
Take note of your personality traits and how you present yourself to the world and use that information to help keep yourself at your best.
Remember, if stress becomes an issue and you feel you are moving towards unhealthy traits, it’s important to take steps towards better self-care.
Integration and Stress Movements
Paying attention to your enneagram growth and stress pattern will help you be more present each day and be open to your inner wisdom.
Type 1: The Reformer
Integration Moves Toward The Healthy Side of Enneagram Type 7
- Curious
- Playful
- You can see the whole picture
- Want’s to make the most of your life
- You see the beauty of life
Stress Moves Toward The Average Side of Enneagram Type 4
- Likes to work overtime
- Becomes highly sensitive
- Feels misunderstood
- Leans towards daydream or fantasy
Type 2: The Helper
Integration Moves Toward The Healthy Side of Enneagram Type 4
- Knows how to practice self-care
- Learns how to say no
- Allow their inner experiences to guide them
- The ability to express the creative side
Stress Moves Toward The Average Side of Enneagram Type 8
- neediness becomes into dominance
- Love can become demanding and even hysterical
- Not able to trust others
- Resorts to bullying and attempts to control others by taking over
Type 3: Achiever
Integration Moves Toward The Healthy Side of Enneagram Type 6
- More open to following and less need to control
- Less competitive
- Relationships and teamwork become easier
- Loyalty is important
Stress Moves Toward The Average Side of Enneagram Type 9
- The doing becomes blocked
- Feels worn out easily
- Becomes less productive
- Uses alcohol, food, or drugs as ways to numb feelings
Type 4: The Individualist
Integration Moves Toward The Healthy Side of Enneagram Type 1
- Gains strength and becomes self confident and empowered
- Get rids of physical desires
- Becomes more assertive and vocal
- Feels more competent
Stress Moves Toward The Average Side of Enneagram Type 2
- Resorts to compulsive doing
- Uses pleasure such as drugs, games, Internet to escape
- Becomes hyperactive
- Manic thoughts take over your life
Type 5: The Investigator
Integration Moves Toward The Healthy Side of Enneagram Type 8
- Finds strength and become empowered
- Lives a more fulfilling life
- Can effectively step into leadership roles
- Becomes more assertive and vocal
Stress Moves Toward The Average Side of Enneagram Type 7
- Resorts into compulsive doing
- Uses fantasy to escape reality
- Manic thoughts can lead to risky behavior
- Escape through pleasurable activities
Type 6: The Loyalist
Integration Moves Toward The Healthy Side of Enneagram Type 9
- Mind quiets down
- Tends to be more flexible and trusting
- Becomes more supportive
- They can trust their gut
Stress Moves Toward The Average Side of Enneagram Type 3
- Increased anxiety
- Frequent attempts to gather resources
- May deceive or tell lies to appear competent
- Motivated to produce outcomes
Type 7: The Enthusiast
Integration Moves Toward The Healthy Side of Enneagram Type 5
- Gets more focused
- Able to practice contemplative activities
- Decrease general consumption
- Practices introspection
Stress Moves Toward The Average Side of Enneagram Type 1
- Becomes more critical and judgmental
- Agitated with anyone who restricts freedom
- Black and White Thinking
- Becomes picky and rigid
Type 8: The Challenger
Integration Moves Toward The Healthy Side of Enneagram Type 2
- Becomes more giving and softer to others
- Becomes more attentive to others and shows more compassion
- Express vulnerability and tenderness
- Knows how to respect others’ beliefs and to see other people as equals
Stress Moves Toward The Average Side of Enneagram Type 5
- Resorts to isolation and withdrawal
- Tends to be less expressive and emotionally disconnected
- Detaches from the vitality of life
- Lose energy and self-care is forgotten
Type 9: The Peacemaker
Integration Moves Toward The Healthy Side of Enneagram Type 3
- Takes decisive actions in the world
- Learns to Feel special.
- Adopts an optimistic view
- Has confidence to stand behind accomplishments
Stress Moves Toward The Average Side of Enneagram Type 6
- Passivity can be replaced by worry, and reactivity
- Finds security in other external sources
- Turns suspicious, and anxiety increases
- It leads to self-doubting
- Gets more involved in their complex inner world
Final Thoughts: The Benefits Of Exploring Your Stress & Growth Lines
Knowing your Enneagram type is the beginning point of self-exploration.
You will be able to explore your Enneagram growth and stress lines once you have identified your Enneagram type. You can figure out your Enneagram type by taking our Free Enneagram Test here (Enneagram Test page).
You can become your best self by learning how to move towards directions of integration and stress.
It takes a lifetime to become your best self and be a fully functioning person.
But life is full of surprises. You will rebound quickly after stress when you have more life experience and are more skilled at healing.
As you begin life exploration, you will begin to notice signs. You can get back to your true self faster if you learn to recognize the signs sooner.
You can change your circumstances by being patient, working hard, and being determined.
The better you can interpret your Enneagram growth and stress lines, the more balanced you’ll be in your life.
This will happen in each of the nine Enneagram types as you continue to practice your understanding.