If your enneagram test shows that you’re a 6w7, it means that your dominant personality type is a six wing and you have a few seven wing traits.
A 6 is extremely hard working, security driven, and focused on meaningful connections. Since seven wing people are social and outgoing, the 6w7 is the most outgoing out of all 6s.
6w7s are naturally sociable and love making new friends. The combination of a loyal 6 and an outgoing 7 make them a very people oriented type.
When placed in a setting of various backgrounds- whether it be a diversity of beliefs or upbringings, a personality types’ weaknesses and strengths will be intensified.
Mix in casual conversation with the purpose of the email.
Each Enneagram will have different motivators, since they are all driven by different value systems. Enneagram 6w7 is motivated by security and meaningful relationships.
Here Are Some Examples:
Every Enneagram responds to stress differently and will have different triggers.
An Enneagram 6w7 will be stressed by:
A 6w7 in the work place is extremely alert, dependable, and can bring their peers together to work on a common goal. A 6w7 personality type focus on finding security in their job while also building connections with those around them.
Here Are Some Examples:
A 6w7 is a six core type with some seven personality traits. Out of the nine personality types a 6w7 is one of the most loyal and social.
Six wing Sevens desire to feel secure, especially in their relationships and environments. It is important to them to build up meaningful lasting relationships because they use these as their safety net.
It would be a 6w7s biggest fear to lose their relationships. Without them, they would feel stripped bare with nothing to protect them.
You can motivate a 6w7 with the promise of new experiences or social settings. They will feel stressed by negativity or rejection.
If you want to work well along side a 6w7, make sure that you take the time to develop a connection with them. If you can provide them with a secure and positive work environment, they will work hard and bring their peers together.
My Own Terms is a company founded by Joshua T. Osborne to help people take back control of their lives and live life on Their Own Terms.
Check out our Enneagram Test for an in-depth guide to get you started on your new life journey.