If your enneagram test shows that you’re a 4w5, it means that your dominant wing is a four wing and you have a few traits from the five wing personality types.
A four wing is very good at self reflecting. They’re willing to face unpleasant truths about themselves if it means having a deeper understanding of their mind.
A 5 is very inquisitive and spend a lot of time observing things. A five uses these observations and investigations to boost their egos.
When you combine the two to make a 4w5, you end up with someone who is curious in understanding both themselves and the world around them.
When placed in a setting of various backgrounds- whether it be a diversity of beliefs or upbringings, a personality types’ weaknesses and strengths will be intensified.
Keep conversations a mix of rational and emotional
4w5s are deep thinkers and need time to reflect, so keep meetings to a minimum. When necessary, keep them straightforward and to the point
Only reach out with a clear purpose, this enneagram personality type does not like small talk
Be honest but encouraging. A 4w5 probably already has their own thoughts on how they could improve
Bring up the issue in a clear and concise way, let the 4w5 help brainstorm solutions
Each Enneagram will have different motivators, since they are all driven by different value systems. Enneagram 4w5 personality is driven by self discovery and knowledge.
Here Are Some Examples:
Every Enneagram responds to stress differently and will have different triggers.
An Enneagram 4w5 will be stressed by:
While a 4w5 does occasionally seek recognition, they prefer to primarily be alone to investigate their thoughts and ideas. They have a deeply rooted curiosity and will flourish in an environment that encourages them to explore and use self expression.
Here Are Some Examples:
A 4w5 enneagram type is a free spirit who is curious about themselves and the world around them. This enneagram type is not worried about public image like most other 4s. Instead, they tend to focus on things of personal significance.
This core personality type may seem uninterested or withdrawn in conversation, but most likely they’re just trying to make sense of the inner workings of their mind. Above any other personality, a 4w5 had the clearest idea of their own identity.
This personality will feel stressed in scenarios where they lack knowledge. However, surround the 4w5 with opportunities to learn and grow, and they will thrive.
When working along side a 4w5, you’ll want to respect their space as they like to have a lot of time to reflect. Keep meeting and discussions infrequent, and when they can’t be avoided it’s best to get to the point.
This enneagram will work best in places that encourage them to be creative and express themselves.
My Own Terms is a company founded by Joshua T. Osborne to help people take back control of their lives and live life on Their Own Terms.
Check out our Enneagram Test for an in-depth guide to get you started on your new life journey.