Enneagram Descriptions For All Nine Enneagram Types

Every few years or so, a new personality test is released that proves to be so precise it would feel like magic. The Myers-Briggs personality test (or the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality inventory) lasted the longest. If you have been active on social media or the internet in general in recent times, you will know that all of the posts about personality types are about the Enneagram and its types. If your passive interest in Enneagram has turned active, you are in the right place. Let's start with some background information.

The idea of the Enneagram was not born recently, although you might have just heard about it.

The Enneagram institute was founded in 1997 by Ross Hudson and Don Richard Riso to provide helpful insight into ourselves and others.

At that time, you would take the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI) to determine your type.

What Are The Nine Types Of Enneagram?

Like other personality tests, the enneagram test is designed to help you understand and identify how you view the world.

It is hoped that if you understand this perspective better, you can improve relationships with other people. You’ll find that each person has a unique Enneagram type. However, you’ll see that you also have traits similar to others.

The Nine Types According To The Riso-Hudson Model:

  1. Type 1: The Reformer
  2. Type 2: The Helper
  3. Type 3: The Achiever
  4. Type 4: The Individualist
  5. Type 5: The Investigator
  6. Type 6: The Loyalist
  7. Type 7: The Enthusiast
  8. Type 8: The Challenger
  9. Type 9: The Peacemaker

Enneagram Descriptions

Now that you’re familiar with the names of each type, we’ll get into the enneagram types description below:

Type 1: The Reformer

The Reformer is rational and idealistic.

They are moral, organized, goal-oriented, disciplined, and self-controlled.

These people love to have planners and bullet journals around, help others, and practice intentionality when spending time with family and friends.

Reformers tend to be too focused on their flaws and don’t spend enough time to appreciate the beauty around them. It can be difficult for them not to enjoy life when things aren’t in order.

They often advocate for others and do not like making mistakes. They are often described as critical or judgmental by others. They also put a lot of value on cleanliness and honesty.

Careers for Enneagram Type 1

  • Professor/Teacher
  • Life Coach and business coach
  • Counselor

Type 2: The Helper

The Helper is the caring, interpersonal type.

They are often generous, demonstrative, loving, but they can also be a bit possessive and tend to please people.

They find value in being needed because they love to support, encourage and nurture others. They are more sensitive than other Enneagram types because of their big hearts.

 Careers for Enneagram Type 2

  • Politicians
  • Doulas
  • Social worker
  • Therapists

Type 3: The Achiever

Say hello to the pragmatic, goal-oriented, and success-oriented type!

You will recognize an Achiever because of their driven, excelling, and adaptive nature. They always strive to be the best, making them a bit image-conscious.

But they make up for this with their charm and easy confidence.

They are usually the cheerleader friend type and are often an inspiration to those around them.

Careers for Enneagram Type 3

  • Lawyer
  • Surgeon
  • Marketer
  • Entrepreneur

Type 4: The Individualist

This type is what the name suggests: sensitive, slightly withdrawn, dramatic (although it’s not something they love to hear!).

They are self-aware and most likely to be connected to their inner world as well.

They are known for their creativity and ability to connect emotionally, but unhealthy Type 4s may dwell on negative emotions and can be self-absorbed.

Careers for Enneagram Type 4

  • Hair Stylist
  • Actor
  • Personal Trainer

Type 5: The Investigator

When we say Investigator is the intense and cerebral type, at least one person in your life will probably come to mind. You know this type, right? You might even be one of these people!

This type enjoys being alone and is always looking for new knowledge. They are naturally curious and innovative.

Careers for Enneagram Type 5

  • Computer Programmer
  • Mathematician
  • Author
  • Engineer

Type 6: The Loyalist

Loyalists are very committed, security-oriented, and responsible people.

They seek safety and love, familiarity and comfort. They can also be anxious or suspicious.

They are caring, compassionate, dependable, and reliable.

Careers for Enneagram Type 5

  • Safety and health engineers
  • Security guards
  • Detectives and police
  • Building and construction inspectors

Type 7: The Enthusiast

You guessed it! The Enthusiast is the life and soul of the party!

They are fun-loving, spontaneous people who love to be busy. They are versatile and adaptable, making them the social butterfly who can fit in with many social situations.

They are happy, cheerful, optimistic, and full of adventure, but they can also be distracted and scattered.

Careers for Enneagram Type 7

  • Artist
  • Travel writer or blogger
  • Publicist

Type 8: The Challenger

Challengers are natural-born leaders.

They are the strong, dominating types. They are self-confident, determined, empowering, loyal, honest, and honorable as well.

They are strong advocates for people and causes they believe in, and take the initiative in all situations.

But Type 8s can be stubborn, confrontational, and aggressive at times because they love to be in control.

Careers for Enneagram Type 8

  • Lawyer
  • Politician
  • Director

Type 9: The Peacemaker

This personality type is pretty self-explanatory. The Peacemaker is an easy-going, self-effacing type of personality.

They are open-minded, patient, understanding, trusting, kind, caring, non-judgmental, and great listeners.

They love being at home, feeling secure, and giving advice to others. The downside of being a peacemaker is that they can become complacent.

Careers for Enneagram Type 7

  • Veterinarian
  • Psychiatrist
  • Diplomat
  • Social Worker
  • Librarian

What is an Enneagram Wing?

Your Enneagram wings are the numbers on either side of the type of Enneagram you scored the highest.

For example, let’s say that you are Type 3; your wings would be Type 2 or Type 4.

Sometimes one of these wings may be more dominant than another, which make sense but isn’t always the case.

You can take our Free Enneagram Test here (Enneagram Test page) to determine which Enneagram wing is more dominant for you.

What’s The Rarest Enneagram Type?

An Enneagram Population Distribution study that was primarily focused on rarity found that Type 8: The Challenger is the rarest Enneagram. The Investigator (Type 5) is next, followed by the Helper (Type 2).

The Peacemaker (Type 9) is the most common.

Which Enneagram Type Is The Toughest To Be?

This is a common question, but it doesn’t have a straight answer.

The answer is subjective, as with everything related to people.

Some researches have suggested that Type 4s are the most difficult out of the nine personality types because of their sensitive and self-aware nature.

My Own Terms

My Own Terms is a company founded by Joshua T. Osborne to help people take back control of their lives and live life on Their Own Terms.

Want More?

Check out our Enneagram Test for an in-depth guide to get you started on your new life journey.

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