You’re Stronger Than You Think: Here’s Why
There are moments when we feel weak, as if we aren’t doing enough to go forward in our lives and achieve the success we want. Looking back on previous experiences coping with a job loss, sorrow, or a falling out may be devastating. However, the fact that we are still alive and able to reflect […]
5 Reasons It’s Important To Always Have Your Own Back
Do you ever find yourself criticizing yourself and feeling terrible about yourself? We’ve all experienced it. I used to be this way, and it was really unproductive. So now, we are going to stop. Today, you are going to start having your own back. I’ll show you how to do it and give you five reasons […]
Find Your Why To Inspire Change & Start Living Your Life
What inspires you to leave bed each morning and go to work? Even on the days, you don’t feel like it, you should still do it, even if you don’t have to. Or, what about your job to make more money that makes you happy, besides that you can pay your bills? What motivates you […]
A Complete Guide On Future Self Journaling & Its Benefits
Self-help and meditative practices, such as journaling, are extremely popular today. Journaling for one’s future self has grown in popularity in recent years. Some may not know how to start self-journaling or why they should. Future self-journaling is what it sounds like better. It’s like conversing with your future self the way you would with […]
10 Reasons Your Past Doesn’t Define You
Beware of letting the past define your future. Whatever setbacks you’ve had, don’t let them get you down. No matter how much suffering you’ve caused. Whatever it was that got in your way before. If you don’t want to be defined by them, you don’t have to. 1. Your past does not define you. When confronted […]
How To Be Happy Again: Breaking Free Of Doom & Gloom
Feeling unhappy is a common emotion we feel in everyday life. Yet, this being common doesn’t mean that we are used to this feeling. Sadness keeps your life satisfaction gauge in check. It pushes you to accept challenges and move past the uneasiness and discomfort. But enduring unpleasant feelings for a long time adversely affects your emotional […]
I Don’t Know What To Do With My Life: Actionable Steps To Finding Your Purpose
We all have a life purpose, but not everyone can recognize it immediately. You seem to be looking for a reason to live, a passion that will give you a fulfilling life. But where do you begin? You’re good to go, but you have no idea where to start. If you are feeling stuck, let me help […]
What Is The Point of Life? Our Reality & Our Existence
What is the essence of living life? Countless people have asked that same question throughout history, and even now, a definite answer remains a mystery. Some claim that our existence is merely about surviving, while others insist that there is a deeper meaning that we need to search to make sense of the world. Even if I […]
How To Become A Millionaire By 30
Many people dream of becoming a millionaire, but only a few of them work as hard as they need to make as much money as a million dollars. Many people have the potential to become millionaires. All it takes is logical thought and the occasional willingness to take risks. Moreover, no gimmicks or cons are involved […]
Reinventing Yourself: How To Create A New, Better Life
Life made us realize that endless opportunities come from a big change. This major shift doesn’t happen overnight, but when we step out of our comfort zones. Yet, reinvention isn’t all about the process; it’s about accepting and embracing who you are as you recreate yourself. If you want a fresh start for a new life, here is […]