How To Get Over Someone You Love With This 12-Step Method

How To Get Over Someone You Love

It can be hard to get over someone you love. You may have invested so much time and energy into the relationship that it feels impossible to let go. But even though it may be tough, it’s important to remember that you will get through this and come out stronger on the other side. There […]

10 Signs You’re In A Codependent Relationship (And How To Stop Being Codependent)

what is codependency

Codependency means putting others’ needs before our own. Understanding codependency and its indicators can help us set healthy boundaries and honor our needs. What Is Codependency? Codependency occurs when a caring behavior becomes controlling. Generally speaking, codependence means one partner gives substantially more to the relationship than the other. Codependency is not a personality or […]

How To Stop Obsessing Over Someone: Try These 5 Tips

How To Stop Obsessing Over Someone

How much is too much? People always make it seem that love is such beautiful and pure emotion whenever they describe it that we are led to believe that there aren’t ugly sides to it. Let me be the one to tell you that love, as wonderful as it can be, can also become addictive, […]

Physical Touch Love Language: 5 Signs That This Is Your Love Language

Physical Touch Love Language

No man is an island— Not only is this a saying but a fundamental fact of life. We all build relationships; among those, we find people we cherish and want to shower with affection. Loving a person means so much more than frequently saying those three magic words. People express affection in various ways; I’m […]

Relationship Compatibility: 10+ Signs That Say You’re Compatible

Relationship Compatibility

When looking for someone to spend the rest of your life with, one aspect stands out from the rest: relationship compatibility. Having common ground with a partner helps in long-term relationships. How Do You Know If You Are Compatible With Someone? A compatible relationship is the ability to coexist or live together in unity and […]

What Are Kindred Spirits & Signs You’ve Found One

Is there someone who shares the same interests, values, and beliefs that you do? From your favorite sports team to how you want your meat to be cooked? And you feel like you’ve known each other for a long time even if you’ve just met? If you do, then you may have found your kindred […]

What Is Unrequited Love? Types, Meaning & How To Heal

Love is perhaps the most fascinating of all the emotions that have been studied. We cannot choose not to fall in love with someone. We sometimes fall head over heels for someone, regardless of our social background, education, or goals. Many kinds of art and literature have been inspired by unrequited or unreciprocated love. It is critical to love yourself […]

The 5 Love Languages: What Are They & What You Need To Know

A successful relationship relies heavily on communication, yet it may be more challenging than you think. Everyone communicates in unique ways. Understanding your partner’s love language can help your relationship to be healthier and happier. The concept of love languages was presented by Gary Chapman, an author, pastor, and speaker, in his 1992 bestseller The 5 Love Languages. According […]

Why Chasing Happiness Will Lead You Down The Wrong Path

Being happy can sometimes be hard to experience, especially with all the noise and negativity surrounding us. However, is it proper to seek happiness, to chase it? Or should we just let it flow into our lives? We hope that this article can help you get a better understanding of this matter! Should You Chase […]